Attracting Bramblings
This gorgeous little finch is a winter visitor, coming here from the Continent when the weather gets tough, and if you didn't look at him carefully you might think he was a Chaffinch, or maybe a Chaffinch coloured by a five year old – just a bit too bright! So look again – his chest is more orange than pink, he has a prominent white rump and as the winter progresses he may start to show signs of his wonderful dark head as his breeding plumage appears. Numbers vary from year to year, depending on the amount of natural food, especially beech nuts, they can find and once those have gone they will visit gardens for food. So next time a gang of Chaffinches arrives in your garden, try playing hunt the Brambling – you may be rewarded!
What do Bramblings eat?
Because Bramblings like to hang out with Chaffinches, a good quality seed mix will keep both species visiting your garden. Small seeds and Peanut Granules, or mixes for finches containing Nyjer are perfect for this lovely finch.
Top 3 foods for Bramblings:
- Nyjer - Goldfinch Gold 5 Star
- No Wheat Wonder 4 Star
- Eat-It-All 3 Star