Attracting Yellowhammers
When half of JAB moved to Shropshire it was on the strict understanding that Yellowhammers definitely lived here and they do! And what special and handsome birds they are! Sadly you are really only likely to attract them to your garden if you live in a country area but a great start wherever you live would be a good thick hedge. Their country name was 'Scribbler' because their eggs look like someone has scribbled on them with a felt-tip pen. If you have never seen a Yellowhammer imagine a speckled brown bird that has dipped his head in pot of yellow paint and there you have it – the male Yellowhammer in all his glory! Add to his stunning appearance a joyful song often sung from the top of a hedge and you have the essence of Yellowhammer.
What do Yellowhammers eat?
Yellowhammers are Buntings (getting technical here) which means they are largely seed feeders. Any good mix of seeds is going to keep them interested and if they are in your area they will happily visit a Ground Tray or take seeds scattered on the ground.
Top 3 foods for Yellowhammers:
No Wheat Wonder 5 Star
Eat-It-All 4 Star
The Max Mix 3 Star