Sunflower Power
Are you looking for one simple bird food to do everything and leave no mess? If so, nothing comes closer to doing this than Sunflower Power! These nutritional and delicious pure Sunflower Hearts are packed with energy! It's no wonder Sunflower Hearts are in almost every single high energy, wild bird seed mix available. They're packed with goodness and are our definition of fast food for birds! Why? Sunflower Power makes life easier and safer for small vulnerable birds as they can land on feeders and take flight with a whole seed in the blink of an eye. Plus there's no mess. You'll find that Greenfinches, Chaffinches, Goldfinches, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits and even Jays may come to a hanging bird feeder containing our Sunflower Power. When fed from a bird table or Ground Tray the list of birds they will attract is almost endless! Blackbirds, Bullfinches and even Ring-Necked Parakeets (if you're in the south of England) will all happily munch on Sunflower Power!
Feeding tips
Hanging feeders full of pure Sunflower Power are a beauty to behold but don't be afraid to experiment by placing this seed on a bird table or Ground Tray. Try mixing them with Blackbird Bonus on a Ground Table and count the species!!.
Take a look at the "Related Products" tab above to see the best feeders for Sunflower Power.
Jenny says:
Sunflower Power disappears from my bird feeders faster than anything else I use. If I have been away from home and the feeders have run out of food I fill them up with SP. The birds reappear as if by magic!
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