Attracting Feral Pigeons
Chances are, if you live in a town anywhere in the UK, you will be blessed (or cursed?) with Pigeons feeding in your garden. Not the big, lumbering Wood Pigeon (although he will certainly be there somewhere) but the so-called Feral Pigeon – that strange mish-mash of Rock Dove, Racing Pigeon and Trafalgar Square resident in a variety of colours and shapes. What do we do with him? Well that’s up to you! If you would prefer not to have these birds wolfing down everything you put on the ground (the cat’s dinner, socks that have fallen from the washing line etc.) then use a totally wheat-free mix like No Wheat Wonder and cover your ground table with a Pigeon proof cage that allows the smaller birds through. Or you might love him for his cocky attitude and trusting nature, and he can’t be beaten for entertainment value. To some he’s a flying rat, to others he’s a friend. He probably has his own Facebook page....
What do Feral Pigeons eat?
Pigeons will eat a very wide variety of foods (we were joking about the socks) but especially grains of all sorts. Feed directly on the ground or on a low ground feeding table.
Top 3 foods for Feral Pigeons:
Blackbird Bonus 5 Star
Eat-It-All 4 Star
The Max Mix 3 Star