Attracting Song Thrushes
A great way to get Song Thrushes to visit your garden is to have lots of earthworms, snails and other creepy crawlies about. But sadly there aren’t always enough of these to go around, plus the Song Thrush has to fight off your Blackbirds for this natural garden grub – except for the snail. Only the remarkable thrush can easily find his way in to these.
So, as this bird has declined by a depressing 50 per cent in the last 40 years, and we all miss his fluting, repetitive song, we must help him along. Song Thrushes are sometimes confused with female Blackbirds (which can be pale and slightly spotty) but the thrush is altogether a different bird. Slender, elegant in its movements and with a cream breast covered with brown streaks rather than spots, a thrush in your garden is a cause for celebration. Give yourself a big tick if you have one.
What do Song Thrushes eat?
Song Thrushes are ground feeders and they love raisins, sultanas and other fruit including windfall apples, especially in the winter when there are fewer earthworms and snails around for them. Put food on a low table or onto the ground to tempt this impressive songster.
Top 3 foods for Song Thrushes:
Blackbird Bonus 5 Star
The Max Mix 4 Star
No Wheat Wonder 3 Star