Would you like to see a Goldfinch in your garden? Are you prepared to take a tiny step and to have faith? Well that's about the best advice we can give to you if you want to attract a Goldfinch as pure Nyjer is the Goldfinch's favourite. If you feed Nyjer - Goldfinch Gold - they might come! In fact there's a surprisingly good chance of attracting this species with Nyjer as Goldfinches are now seen in around 30% of British gardens and increasing all the time!
But it's not just Goldfinches that love Goldfinch Gold - it can also attract Siskins, Redpolls, Chaffinches, Greenfinches and even Bramblings, if you’re really lucky. In fact even Blue Tits are starting to appreciate this tiny seed.
Feeding tips:
Goldfinch Gold is best fed from a special Nyjer Seed Feeder which has very small holes to keep the seed in the feeder. Goldfinch Gold can also be added to other mixes or you could try it on a bird table. Or add it to our Eat-It-All mix and see if you can JustAddMoreBirds!
Take a look at the "Related Products" tab above to see the best feeders for Goldfinch Gold.
Jenny says: Whatever else I give the birds in my garden, the Nyjer Feeder is always kept topped up. My Goldfinches love it and it's great to see the juveniles finding Goldfinch Gold in late summer. You can almost see the little smiles on their faces! Plus in the winter we have Bramblings and Siskins too. Magic.